Friday, December 24, 2010

I said I wasn't gonna, but then...

So Zazzle's having this contest on FB where Zazzlers get the chance to design their holiday party invitation. Now, their holiday party is going to be in January because they're just too damn busy to have it in December. I said I wouldn't do it because in my eyes, its a bit of a popularity contest and frankly, I've never been that popular. I have never entered any Zazzle contests (and they've had quite a few), because there's always so much competition and some incredible designs, I figured I'd never come close to winning. So in the week that the contest had been open, I keep seeing people voting on there. And I see it in my FB feeds all day long. So I said to myself, why not throw my hat in. There's no way I'd win 'cause I'm not going to ask people to add the application, but for my own sake and the ability to say to myself that I entered, I did it.

Having said all that, here is my entry. I always try to keep holiday party invitations non-holiday specific because there's just too many people celebrating all different types of holidays, not just Christmas. With that, I hope you all have a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year filled with happiness and prosperity.

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